
Tsumami Kansashi: Traditional Japanese Satin Ribbon Jewelry


Flowers made of satin ribbons, unusual hair accessories in the tradition of the east. We talk about one of the most ancient types of needlework in Japan.


Kanzashi - decorated hairpins. Accessories were used by girls to create a traditional Japanese hairstyle.

In Japan, it was believed that the metal, pointed at the end, was able to drive away evil spirits, so Kanzashs were an integral accessory at major holidays, when it was believed that the girl was not particularly protected from the effects of evil forces.


You can find out about the status of the ladies by jewelry on the hair. For example, married women did not wear
accessories are plentiful, and young Japanese women, on the contrary, welcomed a lot
the amount of jewelry in the hair.

Now the classic decoration remains relevant among the geishas who still observe
ancient traditions. So, for example, kanzashi must certainly be in the color of a kimono and match the design of the time of year.

As for ordinary girls, this beautiful tradition has always been popular with Japanese brides, and over time it has been appreciated not only in the Land of the Rising Sun, but throughout the world.Japanese and European girls are happy to create accessories on their own and decorate their hair.

@ (1,2)

Tsumami Kansashi

@ eritam8

Traditional Japanese decoration technique. From Japanese, the name of the technique is translated as “pinch”. This is the process of creating flowers from silk ribbons and kimono trimmings by pinching. Each petal of the product is folded separately by hand, and then combined into an ornament and figures.

At present, there are few masters of classical technology left, but needlework has gained popularity around the world and has slightly changed. Now, using the tsumi technique, not only flowers are made, but also other figures, and the results of the master’s work are not limited to hairpins. (1,2)

Tsumami Kansashi Jewelry

What is needed

@momoveronicapich (1,2)

Traditionally, the tsumami technique assumed the use of only silk, but over time, needlewomen allowed themselves to violate customs and began to use a variety of fabrics. Satin ribbons can be called the most popular now, lurex and organza are less common. Dense fabrics are used infrequently, as they are less docile in handling.


@ smile_garden_tsumami815 (1,2)

Tsumami does not require a large abundance of tools, especially at first. To master the technique, tweezers are enough to hold small parts, scissors and a cardboard blank, with which it will be more convenient to cut off the uniform squares of the tape. It is necessary to take care in advance that there is a fire nearby for bonding the petals and a glue gun to create a figure.
In addition, the craftsmen often use accessories, beads, wires and other materials to decorate the product.

Where to begin

@ hanatsukuri.dolls
@ namihei25

Before you start creating masterpieces, it is worth mastering two basic types of petals:

  • Maru-tsumi is a round petal.
  • Ken Tsumami is a sharp petal.

Take a look at the affordable master class on making basic kanzashi petals.

Kanzashi for beginners. Sharp and round petals:

In finished works, you can not always see both types of blanks, but the different shape of the petals gives the product a larger volume.
After we have learned how to make maru - tsumi and ken - tsumi, it is possible to create more complex fragments based on them, for example, multilayer or spiral petals.

Making kanzashi spiral petals:

With the growing popularity of technology, more and more types of petals were introduced into it, which are limited only by the imagination of needlewomen. Nevertheless, all options are based on round or sharp petals.

What can be done?


Having mastered the technique, you can create complex and unusual products for a variety of purposes.
If you want to pay tribute to traditions, we advise you to try to make a beautiful hairpin in the manner of those worn by geisha.

Make a hairpin using the Tsumami Kanzashi technique

Jewelry for children, such as bracelets and headbands, is popular. To make the accessories look more interesting and more fun, you can purchase funny beads or buttons at the sewing store and even make an interesting detail on your own using the same technique.

@ stv2024

How to decorate a Tsumami Kanzashi headband

Many needlewomen have moved away from the classic purpose of tsumi kanzashi and create not only accessories, but also interesting interior details.

Making an interior kanzashi ball

As you can see, having mastered this needlework, you can begin to create a variety of objects. Starting from hairpins and children's toys and ending with panels, the main thing is to give free rein to your imagination.
