
Gymnastics for the spine


This set of exercises will help strengthen the rectus muscles of the back - extensors of the spine. They form the posture, increase mobility in the joints and prevent many diseases of the spine.

Doing exercises, do not forget about simple rules:

Avoid sudden movements. All movements should be smooth and unhurried. During exercise, try to feel the muscles.

Measure the load with your physical abilities - listen to your body. First, do the exercise once for 15 repetitions. In the second lesson, add another approach, resting 2-3 minutes. In the third workout, you can do 3 series of 15 repetitions. When the muscles are strong, feel free to increase the number of repetitions to 20-30 in one approach.

Do not strive to immediately perform all exercises with maximum amplitude. Start with small swinging movements, and as the muscles strengthen, increase the amplitude.

And the most important thing! Starting to perform exercises for the spine, create a motivation for yourself: "These exercises are vital for me. By training and stretching the spinal column, I strengthen the muscles and joints. This load stimulates my blood circulation, improves metabolism and has a beneficial effect on the well-being of the whole body."

Text: E. Ostapenko.Photo: Dzimitry Valiushka / (1); E. Ostapenko (6).


■ Sit and stretch your straight legs forward. The back is straight, the shoulders are lowered, the shoulder blades are maximally reduced. Elbows look back, do not lean on your hands. Fingers easily touch the floor. Stretch your crown up, while lowering your shoulders down. Open the chest as much as possible, while pulling the shoulder blades to each other. Count slowly to yourself to 30.

■ Lie on your stomach, bend your arms at your elbows, your gaze is directed forward. Lift the upper body and bring the shoulder blades as far as possible. Direct your elbows clearly back. Go downstairs.

Repeat 20 times.

■ Lying on your back, bend your knees and place them on your feet shoulder width apart. Put your hands with your palms down along the body. Leaning on the feet and shoulder blades, lift the pelvis up so that the body from the knees to the shoulders forms a straight line. Now straighten your right leg, knees should remain in one plane. Without lowering the pelvis, straining the muscles of the back and abs, linger for 15−20 seconds.

Repeat the same thing, straightening the left leg.

■ Sit, bend your knees and place your feet parallel to each other. Clasp your hands under the knees. Rounding your back, reach back with your shoulder blades. Hands hold the shins. Feel the stretching of your back muscles. Hold this position for 15-20 seconds.

■ Lie on your stomach, stretch your straight arms forward. Raise the opposite arm and leg, hold for a second at the top, then lower. Repeat this 20 times. Then change your arm and leg, repeat another 20 times.

■ Sit on your heels, spread your knees apart, slightly wider than your shoulders. Put straight arms in front of you.Lower the casing down, bring the blades as much as possible, bending, lower and lower the casing lower and lower. Make sure that the pelvis does not rise, for this, tighten the muscles of the lower back. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds.

Text: E. Ostapenko. Photo: Dzimitry Valiushka / (1); E. Ostapenko (6).
