August is not only time for harvesting, but also time to readjust and prepare for cold weather. We tell you how to make things out by autumn and do it quickly and efficiently.
The change of seasons sets our order in our closets, and every time, on the eve of the fall, looking at the abundance of summer things, it seems that you have absolutely nothing to wear on a cool September evening. In fact, this is a matter of organizing space. Follow our simple tips, and you can clean up your closet and rebuild your wardrobe in the autumn mood as soon as possible.
Step 1. Strict selection
First of all, you have to deal with all the summer things that have accumulated on the main shelves of the cabinet for three months of summer. At this stage, you need to decide what you part with for good, and what you still vilify.
In order to cope with this task, we suggest you use a small questionnaire to help you understand whether to leave a thing for you or mercilessly to part with it.
Step 2. Big wash
From the rest, sort what needs to be washed and what needs to be repaired.
Platform ¾: 20 long sleeve models
Step 3. From summer to autumn
Divide the summer items into those that you can wear in the fall and those that are only suitable for warm temperatures.
Step 4. In the long box
Now you have to put what you decided to send to storage before the onset of heat.There are several options for organizing storage - for example, you can fold clothes by type: dresses to dresses, t-shirts to t-shirts, etc., and you can arrange them by color.
Put the summer things in their places.
Step 5. New shift
Take out all the autumn clothes and repeat Steps 1 and 2, in other words, first evaluate how much you need things, and then inspect the selection for defects and the need for washing. If the clothes were stored for a long time in bags or in the back of the closet, it might be worth ventilating them on the loggia or balcony.
Step 6. Shortages and Surpluses
Evaluate what things are missing and what you need to buy. At the same time, notice what items of the wardrobe turned out to be too much - perhaps the summer turned out to be cool, and you bought a new cardigan, remembering that heels were still stored with autumn clothes.
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Step 7. Everything on the shelves
Hang and lay out things - as in the case of summer clothes, choose the most convenient way for you to sort.