
Do no harm: 5 consequences of a diet that you did not know about


Taking a diet, we all expect to become slimmer, tone the body and, ideally, even improve our health. But are online diets so safe and useful?

There are a great many different diets in the world, but all of them can be conditionally divided into two groups. The former are medical, strictly regulated by medical indications, the latter are aimed exclusively at losing weight, and, frankly, not all of them would be approved by your therapist.

Milk and salad, 10-day protein, Japanese, paleo diet, Atkins diet, Mediterranean diet ... There are plenty to choose from! But when choosing, be careful and careful, because absolutely each of these diets has not only a number of health restrictions, but also a number of side effects. Today we will talk about the most insidious consequences of dieting for weight loss, which few people think in advance!

1. Edema

Many popular diets restrict the consumption of meat, for example, suggest that you sit on the same vegetables and fruits, at best supplementing them with cereals. In fact, such a diet dramatically deprives you of proteins, which, as you know, are not only the building material for the cells of our body, but also play a crucial role in water-salt metabolism.By removing proteins from the diet, you will almost inevitably provoke a violation of fluid balance, which will lead to edema.

Perhaps, in this case, on the contrary, protein diets that limit the intake of fats and carbohydrates will help to lose weight and avoid swelling? Alas, protein diets really, at first, by loading the kidneys, increase the excretion of water from the body, but in this case, firstly, you may encounter dehydration, and secondly, the body will sooner or later begin a “counterattack” - it will increase the production of hormones that contribute to fluid retention. As a result - all the same swelling.

2. Pressure

Carbohydrate-free diets, for example, the Ducan diet, which is very popular in Russia, of course, have their pluses - you refuse fast carbohydrates, the same buns and pastries, which are definitely laid off on the sides with extra pounds. But at the same time, you are depriving yourself of slow carbohydrates, from which our body draws energy and which are essential for the functioning of organs such as the brain and heart.

A lack of carbohydrates will lead to weakness and increased fatigue, the muscles from which the body begins to pump out the missing energy will weaken, and after a few weeks of such a diet, the pressure will either decrease to dizziness or rise to severe headaches.

3. Change in hormonal balance

Many, deciding to go on a diet, believe that if you suddenly and suddenly limit yourself to literally everything, you can quickly lose weight. It is difficult to argue with this - rigid mono-diets force the body in the literal sense of the word to do with what it is, that is, actively spend reserves and its own resources.But do not convince yourself that it will benefit him - excluding almost all nutrients from the diet, prepare for the fact that soon after switching to a hard regimen, the levels of thyroid hormones, cortisol and many other hormones important for health will change.

4. Slowing metabolism

A huge number of diets sin with this side effect: a lack of calcium, iron, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamin D leads to the fact that metabolism slows down. What is the reason?

The fact is that our body is not dumber, or even smarter than ourselves! His task is our well-being and, ultimately, survival. This means that if we try to eat as little as possible, the body perceives a lack of nutrition as a threat and tries to spend as little as possible. That is why it happens that, despite our efforts, counting calories and increasingly stringent restrictions, the weight does not move from the dead point, the so-called plateau. Moreover, a slowdown in metabolism leads to the following consequence, which few will please.

5. Gastrointestinal problems and constipation

There are many reasons why diets can cause constipation: this is a slowdown in metabolism as a whole, and a lack of fiber, and a worsening of intestinal motility. Even express diets designed for short periods, for example, 2-3 days, can seriously disrupt the natural rhythm of the digestive tract. Moreover, constipation, which appeared on the background of diets, tends to turn into a chronic form, and instead of the desired loss of excess weight, you risk acquiring lazy bowel syndrome.

The question involuntarily begs: is it possible to lose weight with the help of diets at all, without having collected a lot of side effects? It is possible, but only under two conditions: common sense combined with a comprehensive program that includes balanced nutrition and moderate exercise. Ideally, such a program is composed by a nutritionist, taking into account both your current weight and your state of health, but with due persistence you can think it over yourself.

The main thing you should focus on is nutrition, which includes all the necessary trace elements, physical activity, preferably in the fresh air, and, of course, the health of your digestive system. Regardless of whether you have constipation as a result of an improper diet or for other reasons, its presence will prevent you from achieving the desired weight. You should get rid of this scourge as carefully as possible so as not to provoke deterioration, and for this purpose, a 100% natural English herbal preparation - Phytomucil Norm is perfect.

One of the main advantages of this drug is the lack of synthetic additives and senna, which means that the active substances work without irritating the intestines and without causing any side effects.

"Fitomucil Norm" simultaneously affects the contents of the intestine and its mucous membrane, relieving constipation, bloating and a feeling of heaviness. At the same time, dietary fiber in the composition of the drug promotes the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora, removing toxins and carcinogens.Just two meals a day will help you forget about dysbiosis and many other unpleasant symptoms!

A healthy bowel is the key to well-being and the first step towards a balanced weight. Do not let symptoms seem harmless at first glance, because it is always easier to prevent a disease than to treat it in the future. Be healthy!


Dietary supplement. Not a cure

Photo: Pixabay, Unsplash


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