
Empty Cream Cans


Always threw them away ... And in vain. After all, they can not only help restore order with various trifles, but also become part of the holiday packaging for a small gift.

Once we already suggested making needle pads from such jars. Now they appear in a new role - as the keepers of various sewing supplies: ribbons (large can), threads, pins, buttons.
Today I read this master class, and immediately thought: "Now I know what to put a couple of prepared gifts for Christmas!" And just in two jars of a suitable size there was just a little cream left. What a luck! Only I, perhaps, will not stain them, but rather I will paste over with beautiful paper and tie a silk ribbon, as on a large jar in the first photo.

And so that the jars paint you need white spray paint and a lot of newspapers, so as not to stain the table on which the jars will be painted and dry.
Tip: if you paint the jars in a different color, still first cover them with white paint: another paint will lay on this base better and its color will be brighter and cleaner.
Together with the jars, color one at a time those items that you will store in them, for example, one pin, one thimble, one button.
After the paint has dried, glue the painted objects to the lids of the jars with glue "Moment".
Photo: Andreas Ahmann, idea and implementation: Marion Traub.
Material prepared by Elena Karpova


Watch the video: 32 GROSSARTIGE INSTRUMENTE UM SCHÖN ZU BLEIBEN (December 2024).