
Tasty and beautiful: lunch for the student


Beautiful food design can also be convenient. And not only for adults. For a child, a tasty and healthy snack can be laid compactly and effectively.

Every schoolchild's daily routine is very busy, it requires perseverance and concentration from the child. In order to keep up with everything and remain full of energy and strength, he needs timely recharging. Therefore, lunch box with healthy and tasty food at a break will be very helpful.

What good and tasty can you give your child to school? According to Ekaterina Belova, an expert on baby food, the menu should include whole grain products: bread or bread, cereals, which contain fiber, minerals and vitamins. A small amount of sweets will undoubtedly please the student, most importantly, do not exceed the permissible norm (no more than 150-200 calories per serving of sweet). Also, fruit and nuts are suitable for a snack. A child at school age is recommended to eat at least 5 servings of vegetables and fruits per day. At the same time, a glass of juice drunk during a break can replace one of them, however, it is better to drink it not on an empty stomach, but with a cracker or nuts. "It is imperative to pay attention to the nutrition of the student throughout the day, since the child should eat every two to three", - recommends to parents Catherine.
Of course, the benefits of snacking are not so obvious for a child, therefore, in order to motivate a young schoolboy for a timely tasty and healthy break, one needs to show imagination.
For example, according to a teacher-specialist in the creative development of children Natalia Keycollecting lunch box can be turned into an exciting game. The Japanese, for example, collecting bento boxes with lunch is a whole art, and these boxes look like a small picture of food:

Natalia Klyuch advises: "Show yourself: you can bake curly pancakes together or make an edible designer on a skewer for canapes. If this occupation evokes pleasant emotions, then in the future the child with great pleasure will begin to add a snack on his own. Do not miss the opportunity to play and surprise him with something new. You can come up with a new lunch theme daily, for example, by color. ".
Parents can help create the conditions for a successful study if they organize a student’s nutrition in advance during the break, supplementing it with the necessary vitamins and minerals. A creative approach to collecting lunch box will cheer up both mom and child!
The editors thank for the materials provided.


Watch the video: 4 Back-To-School Snacks (January 2025).